Welcome To Educational Toy Warehouse

Your #1 hotspot for brilliant Educational Toys.

We’re committed to giving you the plain best with attention to the most astounding quality, uniqueness, and unwavering customer service.




We feel pleased with being your most loved online store in South Africa.

Educational Toy Warehouse by LJS Investments (PTY) LTD specialises in educational resources for public schools, Independent schools, home schooling, parents and children with learning difficulties.

Our experienced team at Educational Toy Warehouse realises that all kids play spontaneously guided by instinct, which is linked to the development of social and survival skills.

With this in mind, we have carefully curated educational materials that are sure to assist children in learning vital skills, thus enabling them to thrive to our highly technical world and achieve their full potential.

Over the years we have grown to become the leading distributor of hands on, innovative educational products, trusted by teachers and parents, and loved by kids.

LJS Investments (PTY) LTD has established solid relationships with all our trade partners (Textbook, stationery and Educational Toy Manufactures).

These partners have extended credit facilities to us of payment within 30 days of statement, which in essence is a 60 day trading account. The basis for these credit facilities is our excellent trade record as well as the volume of sales.

In the event that you have any inquiries or remarks, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’d love to get a notification from you.